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Costa Rica pulsates with pure joie de vivre. It is a country with an area slightly larger than half of that of Austria and is home to various ethnic groups, who co-exist peacefully.



If there is one country which can claim "tropical paradise" it is Costa Rica. Although the land area only stretches about 50.000 km2, countless species of plants and animals find the best conditions of living. Wide areas of the central american nation are protected as nationalparks, forest and bio reservates.



As far as climate protection is concerned, this tiny country is also a genuine pioneer and by 2021, Costa Rica intends to become the first “CO2-neutral” nation in history.
The flora includes the tropical wood teak, which was first cultivated in Costa Rica at the beginning of the 20th century. Costa Rica provides the ideal soil and best possible climatic prerequisites for this sensitive tree, which only grows and flourishes in special and extremely limited climate zones.



Moreover, Costa Rica not only offers excellent preconditions in an ecological sense, but also from an economic perspective.
It has one of the highest living standards in Latin America, the economy is well developed and the unemployment rate is at an European level; statistics that can all be traced back to the stable political situation. These factors, along with the nation’s ideal strategic position between North and South America, the investment-friendly climate and the availability of highly productive specialist personnel, have led to the local activities of a large number of international companies, including THI AG.


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